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Visible Learning for Teachers


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Table of Contents

Preface Chapter 1. Visible learning inside Part A: The source of ideas and the role of teachers Chapter 2. The source of the ideas Chapter 3. Teachers: The major players in the education process Part B: The lessons Chapter 4. Preparing the lesson Chapter 5. Starting the lesson Chapter 6. During the lesson - learning Chapter 7. During the lesson - feedback Chapter 8. End of the lesson Part C: Mind frames Chapter 9. Mind frames of teachers, school leaders, and systems References Appendix A. The Visible Learning Checklist Appendix B. The 800 meta-analyses Appendix C. A list of influences on achievement Appendix D. Rankings and effect-sizes of program influences from Exercises Appendix E. Calculating effect sizes Appendix F. The Irving Student Evaluation of teaching scale

About the Author

Dr. John Hattie has been Professor of Education and Director of the Melbourne Education Research Institute at the University of Melbourne, Australia, since March 2011. He was previously Professor of Education at the University of Auckland. His research interests are based on applying measurement models to education problems. He is president of the International Test Commission, served as advisor to various Ministers, chaired the NZ performance based research fund, and in the last Queens Birthday awards was made "Order of Merit for New Zealand" for services to education. He is a cricket umpire and coach, enjoys being a Dad to his young men, besotted with his dogs, and moved with his wife as she attained a promotion to Melbourne. Learn more about his research at www.corwin.com/visiblelearning.


“Recognising what makes a difference enables reflection on how to do more that makes a positive difference. Reading this book should make obvious the swathes of time-consuming tasks that make no (or worse, negative) impact, making them easy to remove. It is fabulously well-researched.” - Mary Bousted, general secretary, Association of Teachers and Lecturers

"Visible Learning for Teachers is a profoundly important book for teachers, school leaders, parents, and policymakers. John Hattie provides the 'jury standard' for educational research. Rather than the typical 'he said, she said' controversy, Hattie has amassed the preponderance of the evidence representing the work of thousands of scholars and more than a quarter-billion children. The jury – teachers, leaders, and parents – need not be swayed by the persuasive power of an individual researcher or the flavor-of-the-month initiative. Rather, we can at last make teaching and leadership decisions based upon the best available evidence from multiple sources. As you read these pages, prepare to be challenged. Hattie forced me to reconsider previously strongly held convictions, but he requires that we elevate the preponderance of the evidence over personal belief. Best of all, Hattie shows us how to determine the impact we have right now with our own students. His methods move education from the 'rear-view mirror' – what happened in other places with other students – to the 'windshield' – what is happening right now with our students. As a result, this book is the most important contribution to educational research and practice in decades."
Douglas ReevesFounder, The Leadership and Learning Center, USA"This scope of this text is absolutely staggering. John Hattie deserves to be recognised (and probably will in time) as one of the pioneers of educational and school psychology."
Dr Dave PutwainProgramme Leader, Educational Psychology, Edge Hill University, UK“Recognising what makes a difference enables reflection on how to do more that makes a positive difference. Reading this book should make obvious the swathes of time-consuming tasks that make no (or worse, negative) impact, making them easy to remove. It is fabulously well-researched.” - Mary Bousted, general secretary, Association of Teachers and Lecturers

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