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RSN: Goldwork


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Table of Contents

The Royal School of Needlework 6
Introduction to goldwork 8
The history of goldwork 10
Materials and tools 14
Inspiration and design 38
Basic techniques 46
Goldwork embroidery techniques 54
Bead embroidery techniques 84
Penguin brooch 92
Autumn Leaf corsage 104
Acorn embellishment 114
Further inspiration 128
Templates 138
Glossary 144
Index 144

About the Author

After graduating from the International Christian University and Otsuka Textile Design College in Japan, Emi worked as a professional beaded jewellery artist and contributed towards a number of beadwork and bead embroidery books.

Graduating from the RSN Apprenticeship with top honours, she was awarded the Charrington Broderer’s Prize for top apprentice; the Hilda Watson prize for Silk Shading; and the Gold & Silver Wyre Drawers prize for her Coronation Goldwork.

Since 2010, Emi has been the RSN’s tutor in Japan and teaches the Certificate & Diploma Courses in Tokyo and Osaka. Emi has organized two exhibitions of RSN work at the Kitagawa Gallery in Tokyo and she considers that her life's mission is to share the skills of traditional English embroidery, and the joy of expressing oneself through embroidery, both of which she has learned through the Royal School of Needlework.



From the UK's own centre of excellence for embroidery, the Royal School of Needlework, and the brilliant Emi Nimura, comes one of the RSN's latest library additions: Goldwork. Delve into the history and evolution of this majestic craft and give it a go yourself with Emi's three incredible projects. Make light work of getting to grips with the gorgeous technique under Emi's expert guidance every step of the way.
*Love Embroidery*

This is a book for those times when you want to know you're in safe hands, to be shown the right way. Here every aspect of goldwork is carefully broken down and thoroughly explained: techniques, materials, equipment. It's a book that demystifies the skills involved in achieving professional results. It aims to build knowledge page-by-page and give you the confidence to create ornate and opulent work for yourself.
*Stitch Magazine*

My friends tell me that if I was stranded on a desert island I would be very happy as long as I had goldwork materials with me. If you ignore the fact that the threads would tarnish quickly, my friends are probably right. Some excellent books are already available on metal thread embroidery, and this is not the first one that has been released under the RSN banner or by embroiderers closely associated with the RSN. I wasn't sure where this new book "Techniques, Projects & Pure Inspiration: Goldwork" by Emi Nimura would fit in, however it's a beautiful book with a unique perspective on this technique. The author studied textile design and was a beaded jewellery artist before becoming an Apprentice at the Royal School of Needlework, and is now the co-ordinator and tutor of RSN classes in Japan. Although her beautiful embroidery, in a variety of techniques, has appeared in books by other embroiderers, this is her first book as author. The format and introduction are fairly standard for a book associated with the RSN. Following the introduction and a short history of goldwork, there are sections on Materials and Tools, the various options for how to set up your frame and a section called Inspiration and Design, which covers topics such as order of work, design transfer and how to make a velvet board. Each section contains clear pictures and detailed instructions. The next part of the book is devoted to techniques. All the expected things are included, but I love that instead of just showing a technique, all in the same metal thread or of different threads of the same colour, the author has given examples of combining differently coloured threads and combining them with beads. She mixed chips with beads and French knots. The examples really do make you feel like experimenting. In the project part of the book you begin to really see the full extent of the author's skills. Her designs are visually stunning, beautifully presented and really bring together the beaded jewellery designer and embroiderer. There is a series of little brooch designs, a corsage of autumn leaves and an acorn embellishment for a purse; all with templates, photographs, and clearly written instructions. This is goldwork that is not just to be framed on the wall but something you can proudly wear. My favourite is the jewel-like corsage of autumn leaves. It is just beautiful; combining silver, gold and copper with beads and rhinestones as well as wooden beads wrapped in metal threads that would normally be associated with stumpwork. Completing the book are pictures from the RSN collection as well as pieces from other embroiderers. So while this book is similar to other books on goldwork - it stands out because of its beautiful designs, giving the traditional technique a new twist. I hope we see more book from this very talented lady.
*Book Threads*

Brought to you by the Royal School of Needlework, this unique read showcases the ins-and-outs of goldwork stitching. Inside you'll find the history of this impressive technique, the materials and tools that are used, and finally detailed step-by-step instructions to allow the reader to achieve the expertise this method demands. Projects to dip your toes into include: a penguin brooch, a leaf corsage and a tiny acorn embellishment for a clutch.
*Sew Magazine*

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