Are Nike, Amazon and Walmart preparing the ground for international socialism?
Leigh Philips is a science writer and EU affairs journalist. He is the author of Austerity Ecology & the Collapse-Porn Addicts. Michal Rozworski is a Toronto-based union researcher and writer. He blogs at Political Eh-conomy and has been published in Jacobin, Ricochet, The Toronto Star, and Briarpatch Magazine.
Provocative and lively book.
*Morning Star*
Philips and Rozworski's book is a timely exhortation to rethink the
wisdom that markets always do it better.
*New Statesman*
People's Republic of Walmart is fast-paced and provocative. It
offers readers a refreshing perspective on today's highly planned
capitalist enterprises, and the prospect of a new form of
democratic, transparent and socialist planning.
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