• Trees are an essential element for any watercolour artist to
master, and Terry Harrison provides everything they need to know to
paint them the easy way, from simple trees with a few strokes of
the brush to fully developed paintings of trees in the
• Eleven beautiful step by step demonstrations and plenty of tips
and techniques make painting trees in watercolour achievable.
• This book will give confidence to the beginner and will also
inspire more experienced artists.
Terry Harrison grew up in Norfolk, UK. His early art education was basic and he never dreamed that he would one day become an artist. At fifteen, Terry moved to Hampshire and, inspired by his brilliant art teacher, won a place at Farnham Art School at the age of sixteen. After graduating he became a graphic artist but continued to paint in his spare time. In 1984 Terry gave up his job to paint full time and never looked back, teaching and demonstrating his watercolour techniques throughout the world, developing his own range of brushes and paints and writing over 20 best-selling books that have been translated into many languages. Sadly, Terry passed away in 2017 but his legacy lives on. His gift for explaining his methods in an easy and accessible way has encouraged countless people to take up painting, and his beautiful works of art, inspired by the English countryside that he loved, will continue to be enjoyed by people all over the world.
Dec 12 If you really struggle with watercolour but are still
persevering against all odds, try this book. There are 24
step-by-step demonstrations showing not only trees but landscapes
as well. You'll be able to choose scenes from all seasons. There is
a complete guide to painting trees in all seasons, then
incorporating them into the landscape. Terry guides you through the
process showing his palette, brushes and techniques. This book used
material previously published as Terry Harrison's Watercolour
*Karen Platt Yarnsandfabrics.co.uk/crafts*
Jan 13 Even with all the dire predictions of bugs and disease, the
totally bare landscape is unlikely to be with us any time soon.
Trees, by their size and presence, are one of the defining features
of any scene and getting them wrong can mar a painting as surely as
badly painted features can turn a portrait into a caricature. Terry
is a slick presenter and he starts the book with ways of creating
simple shapes that look immediately convincing. His own range of
brushes comes into it, of course, but in an understated way, and
you have to admit that they’re rather useful. And anyway, you may
already have the basic shapes in your kit, so there’s no hard sell
here. The obvious next stage is trees through the seasons and Terry
provides quick demonstrations that show a variety of compositions,
such as an ivy-clad trunk beside a winter lane, that give you a
chance to get your bearings. Moving on (the title of the next
chapter), you get specific varieties. Even here, the emphasis isn’t
on the details but rather the shapes and colours and how to present
them as adjuncts to the main composition. This section is something
of a tour de force as Terry underplays his hand masterfully, using
the subject of the book as a foil to the main work. After all this,
you might be surprised to find the final section of the book being
called Trees in The Landscape. Although that seems to be what we’ve
seen already, here Terry paints some really quite ambitious scenes
where the trees really are the main feature, yet are still not
portraits. He works in a variety of conditions and demonstrates
clear light, dappled shade and misty recession throughout the year.
There’s a lot here and it’s genuinely surprising just how much
Terry manages to wring out of his subject without any sense that
he’s stretching either it or himself to fill the 128 pages.
Jan 13 If you paint landscapes, sooner or later you're going to
have to paint trees. Even if the worst predictions of pests and
disease turn out to be right, bare, flat landscapes are unlikely to
be a feature of the landscape any time soon. Books on trees are not
exactly two a penny but, after a period when they were thin on the
ground, several have come along in recent years, although they have
tended to assume you want to paint trees as a subject rather than
as a necessary adjunct to a wider view. Terry Harrison hits the
nail right on the head with this guide. This isn't a book about how
to paint trees, but how to paint trees in a landscape. It's full of
the sort of good ideas that are Terry's stock-in-trade. Using his
range of brushes (and if you don't want to buy them, you may find
you already have suitable alternatives), he starts by showing you
how to create realistic and believable shapes quickly and easily.
If there's a wood on the horizon, this will take the mystery out of
putting it there. Get further into the book, and you'll find advice
on dealing with individual species, which becomes important if
they're a foreground feature. You'll also find demonstrations
showing trees in a variety of situations, including woodlands and
landscapes, as well as mountain and river scenes. In fact, just
about everything you could want.
Mar 13 Trees are such an important part of the landscape that an
ability to paint them successfully will help you progress with the
subject faster. Not only are they essential to describe the
atmosphere of a landscape, a well painted tree, whether it be a
magnificent spreading oak or the bare branches of a tree set
against a winter's sky, can add interest to a scene lacking in a
focal point. Here Terry promises to show you how it's done 'with a
few tricks and the right brushes'. A section on materials and
equipment is swiftly followed by a description of the palette Terry
uses, in particular his colour mixes for creating the perfect hue
for sunlit green, country olive, autumn shades and burnt shadow for
example – colours you will be using time and again in your
paintings of trees. This is followed by a useful chapter on using
photographs, and combining photographs to make a better
composition. Terry then moves on to techniques, including
information on what brush to use for the effect you are after, how
to use masking fluid, paint trunks and branches and, finally,
foliage. The main body of the book is taken up with demonstrations,
beginning with a section entitled 'Simple Trees', which describes
how to create the impression of trees and helps to build up
confidence before moving on to more complex subjects. Included here
are trees in each of the seasons. How to paint specific tree
species follows, including the cypress, pine, willow and oak tree,
amongst others, plus an apple tree in full blossom. Trees in the
landscape come next with information on how to place them
convincingly in their setting. In total there are 24 step-by-step
demonstrations, including an avenue of trees, a bluebell wood and
trees in a winter landscape. Each of these demonstrations is
carefully considered to help you build up your confidence and
create striking watercolour landscapes.
*Leisure Painter, The*
Mar 13 Magnificent objects in their own right; trees help to
provide perspective within a landscape. Getting them right can make
all the difference to a painting. In this book Terry sets out to
show just how trees can be painted and used effectively within a
landscape. A variety of techniques are demonstrated such as
painting trunks and foliage. There are some interesting hints too -
use kitchen paper with masking fluid to dab on trees to give the
impression of snow! He then goes on to show how some of the most
popular trees can be painted such as an apple tree in blossom,
horse chestnut, weeping willow, silver birch and an oak tree. The
subject of setting trees within a landscape or season is also
covered, with many practical ideas on how to use them and how to
achieve the best effect. All in all, this is a very useful,
practical book which justly deserves a place on any artist's
bookshelf to be referred to time and time again.
Mar 13 Trees are popular subjects for painting and not many
landscapes can do without them. Here is a guide on how to capture
their elusive and special qualities with the medium of watercolors.
I think Mr Harrison must be the only other person like myself, who
does not stretch his paper, but presses it afterwards. Find out how
in here along with all the usuals such as what paints to buy in
order to paint trees and woods, working with photographs, kitting
out your working area and composing a picture. Before you get to
the paintings there are many techniques to practice, such as
painting skies, leaves, trunks, using various brushes and other
products etc. I like the way these are also in staged project form
with all the photos and captions that make Search Press books so
user-friendly. Next, you will move on with studies of trees through
the seasons and different types of tree to practice what you have
learnt. Finally, there is the largest section with plenty of
paintings to tackle. These are again varied in their seasons, and
include a bluebell wood (my favorite), waterside views, a winter
scene, a mountain scene and an avenue of trees in autumn. As well
as the step-by-step instructions, there are a couple of similar
paintings discussed afterwards, which makes for a nice touch. You
can actually learn the mysteries of painting trees in here, which
makes it such a worthwhile purchase.
February 2015 Many books have been written on painting trees, but
they mostly concentrate on individual species and on the details of
structure and foliage. Terry Harrison's approach is refreshingly
different and refreshingly simple: his trees are there because the
painting would look naked without them. Terry begins by showing you
how to create suitable shapes quickly and easily and he also
explains the range of brushes he has developed to help you with
this. As the book progresses, you'll move into more detail, such a
portraying trees in the different seasons, working up to individual
species, which Terry always shows in context - the tree itself is
hardly ever the main subject in this book. Settings include
woodlands, landscapes, mountains and rivers and you'll see how
trees grows differently in each and how to capture just the right
shapes and colours every time.
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