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Annual Editions: The Family 11/12


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UNIT 1: Evolving Perspectives on the FamilyUnit Overview1. Marriage and Family in the Scandinavian Experience, David Popenoe, Society, May/June 2006In this article, the author compares U.S. and Scandinavian societal expectations and attitudes regarding marriage and the family. Legal and social differences are addressed, and many surprising similarities are identified. For example, although the marriage rate is much lower in Sweden than in the United States, the breakup rate of relationships involving a commitment is much the same.2. The Significant Dynamic Relationship between Globalization and Families, Bahira Serif TraskWe live in an increasingly globalized world, with different countries and cultures influencing each other. Often the focus in on "big picture" concerns like the economy and politics. This article focuses on the day-to-day decisions that families make with regard to work issues, gender roles, child rearing, and care of the elderly, and moving and migration.3. Interracial Families, Carol Mithers, Ladies’ Home Journal, July 2006The number of mixed-race marriages has grown sevenfold from 1970 to 2000. The implications of this change for managing relationships and socializing children are discussed.4. Family Partnerships, JoBeth Allen, Educational Leadership, September 2008Partnerships between families and schools help to facilitate learning among children. They also increase respect for the family’s strengths and abilities as well as awareness of cultural variations in families.UNIT 2: Exploring and Establishing RelationshipsUnit OverviewPart A. Love and Sex5. This Thing Called Love, Lauren Slater, National Geographic, February 2006What we recognize as passionate love or infatuation share a chemical profile that is surprisingly similar to that of obsessive-compulsive disorder. In order for relationships to last, we cannot depend on retaining feelings of passionate love throughout the duration of the relationship.6. 24 Things Love and Sex Experts Are Dying to Tell You, Ellise Pierce, Redbook, June 2006Fourteen experts share with readers their advice on love, sex, and intimate relationships. Their down-to-earth suggestions range from "how to use compliments" to "when to (and not to) sweep problems under the rug." Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it twice.Part B. Finding a Life Partner7. Against All Odds, Anne Kingston, Maclean’s, August 24, 2009This article asks: "Is it crazy to marry someone you’ve known only a few weeks?" Perhaps a better question to ask would be if "instant relationships" stand much of a chance of long-term success?8. The Expectations Trap, Hara Estroff Marano, Psychology Today March/April 2010Many of the expectations we have for what a potential partner can and should do are culturally determined. We may blame our partners for our unhappiness, and continue seek "the one." Choosing the right partner is important, but by looking at oneself and one’s expectations, it is possible to become the right partner.9. On-Again, Off-Again, Elizabeth Svoboda, Psychology Today, March/April 2008Some couples seem trapped in a relationship cycle of breaking up and making up. This article addresses possible explanations for this phenomenon as well as ways of breaking the cycle, either by choosing to stay in the relationships or leaving for good.Part C. Pregnancy and the Next Generation10. Fats, Carbs and the Science of Conception, Jorge E. Chavarro, Walter C. Willett, and Patrick J. Skerrett, Newsweek, December 10, 2007Sperm meets egg–the simple fact of conception. Yet, the reality of conception is that it is a complicated and amazing process that is responsive to a variety of behavioral and other choices on the part of the parents. This article addresses specific influences: diet, exercise and weight control.11. Not Always `the Happiest Time,’ Lisa Miller and Anne Underwood, Newsweek, April 24, 2006The Constitution of the United States identifies the right to procreate as a fundamental human right. Yet there is almost no public policy in the United States regarding reproductive rights and access to reproductive technology. The provocative article discusses this thorny issue and the results are thought provoking.12. Truth and Consequences at Pregnancy High, Alex Morris, New York Magazine, May 18, 2009The rate of unmarried teen parenting in the United States is rising, after a decade of decline. Approximately 60 percent of adolescent moms drop out of school and 64 percent live in a culture of poverty. Most have no health care, eat junk food, and live dangerously during pregnancy. Response to an online survey showed that 20 percent of girls in the United States want to become teen moms. This article describes the negative outcomes for these women.13. Baby Survival Guide: 7 Truths That’ll Keep You Sane, Maura Rhodes, Parenting.com, December/January 2009Raising an infant can be highly stressful. This article presents seven truths about rearing babies that, if followed, can help parents stay sane and benefit the babies they are raising.UNIT 3: Family RelationshipsUnit OverviewPart A. Marriage and Other Committed Relationships14. Contributing to the Debate over Same-Sex Marriage, Gwendolyn Puryear Keita, Monitor on Psychology, April 2009, Vol. 40, No. 4Dr. Gwendolyn Puryear Keita, APA Executive Director for the Public Interest, provides the position of the American Psychological Association regarding the major impact of stigma on well-being, the benefits of marriage, and the lack of difference between lesbian and gay parents and heterosexual parents.15. Can Marriage Be Saved?, Frank Furstenberg, Dissent, Summer 2005The author assures his readers that the institution of marriage is not in trouble. He argues that although there are other issues that affect all marriages, the focus should be on resources, as the often cited unhealthy marriage and family trends occur only among the most socially disadvantaged.16. The Polygamists, Scott Anderson, National Geographic, February 2010, Vol. 217, No. 2This intimate look inside a fundamentalist polygamist community describes attitudes, standards, and beliefs related to plural marriage from the insiders’ perspective of members of the community.Part B. Relationships between Parents and Children17. Good Parents, Bad Results, Nancy Shute, U.S. News & World Report, June 23, 2008Parents often struggle to provide needed structure for their children. This article presents eight common mistakes made by parents as they rear their children.18. Do We Need a Law to Prohibit Spanking?, Murray Straus, Family Focus, June 2007A substantial body of evidence documents the harmful effects of spanking, yet few recognize this. Therefore, Straus argues for a law to prohibit spanking.19. Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents: Psychology, Law and Policy, Charlotte J. Patterson, American Psychologist, November 2009Does parental sexual orientation affect child development? After years of research, little difference in children has been found between parents living in a same-sex and those living in an opposite-sex relationship. This article argues that sexual orientation should not be used as a sole or even significant criterion for determining child custody.20. Minding the Kids, Meg Caddoux Hirschberg, Inc., March 2010Running one’s own business can be challenging and time consuming. This article discusses the challenges of rearing young children while also establishing and maintaining a family business. Children are often more aware of what is going on than parents know, but parents need to know that their children’s awareness may be misinformed and ina ccurate.21. Mother, Damnedest, Terri Apter, Psychology Today, January/February 2010Living with a difficult mother can be trying and leave lasting scars. This article addresses the question, `What are your obligations to a parent who is smothering or abusive?’ Suggestions for ways of dealing with dominating parents are provided.Part C. Other Family Relationships22. The Forgotten Siblings, Sally Young, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 2007In studying families, we often lose sight of siblings and aspects of siblinghood (including sibling rivalry as well as sibling loyalty). Yet siblings maintain a powerful influence on each other that extends throughout life, even if physical contact is broken off.23. Four Myths about Older Adults in America’s Immigrant Families, Judith Treas, Generations, Vol. XXXII, No. 4, 2009Many assumptions are held regarding the lives of older adults in America’s immigrant families. This article addresses four myths held about older adults in such families and counter these myths with fact.UNIT 4: Challenges and OpportunitiesUnit OverviewPart A. Abuse and Neglect24. Recognizing Domestic Partner Abuse, Harvard Women’s Health Watch, September 2006This brief article provides a concise description of the risk factors for domestic partner abuse, as well as suggestions for how to help someone whom you suspect is in an abusive relationship.25. Domestic Abuse Myths, Raina Kelley, Newsweek Web Exclusive, March 9, 2009Even when it involves rich and privileged celebrities, incidents of domestic violence are accompanied by myths and mistaken assumptions about choices both parties make. Domestic violence is, in fact, underlain by elements of power, control, and domination.26. The Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a Child in the Backseat of a Car Is a Horrifying Mistake. Is It a Crime?, Gene Weingarten, The Washington Post, April 3, 2009Each year, children die as a result of being left in an overheated vehicle. Is this neglect and should these parents be punished? Gene Weingarten writes about this horrific occurrence and asks readers to consider whether it could happen to them.Part B. Substance Abuse27. Children of Alcoholics, Cara E. Rice et al., The Prevention Researcher, November 2006Children of alcoholic parents have a variety of risk factors for developing substance abuse as well as other negative outcomes. This article identifies protective factors that may reduce the risks children of alcoholic parents face.28. Impact of Family Recovery and Pre-Teens and Adolescents, Virginia Lewis and Lois Allen-Byrd, The Prevention Researcher, November 2006Beginning with the introduction to the concept of family recovery, this article explores its stages and three distinct types of alcoholic families in recovery. The primary focus, however, is the impact family recovery has on pre-teens and adolescents who are the "forgotten" family members in this radical and traumatic long-term process.Parot C. Infidelity29. Love but Don’t Touch, Mark Teich, Psychology Today, March/April 2006Often seen as less serious than a sexual affair, when one’s partner has an emotional affair it can have a devastating effect on a couple’s relationship. Emotional affairs may not even involve sexual contact and may not be seen as "cheating" by the party who is involved in the affair. Yet, the recovery from the deceit and violation of trust that is an integral element of an emotional affair can be just as challenging.30. Is This Man Cheating on His Wife?, Alexandra Alter, The Wall Street Journal Online, August 10, 2007Second Life, a 3D virtual world, allows "residents," using avatars (visual representations of themselves), to interact and build relationships with other residents. This article depicts what happens when one spouse "cheats" on his wife in his second life while he neglects his wife in real life.Part D. Economic Concerns31. The Opt-Out Myth, E. J. Graff, Columbia Journalism Revue, March/April 2007E.J. Graff explains why the media reports that upper-class women are opting out of the labor market to raise children in substantial numbers are myths. The proportion of women, even mothers, in the labor force is increasing, not decreasing. The consequences and policy implications of the truth are immense.32. Making Time for Family Time, Tori DeAngelis, Monitor on Psychology, January 2008As they start their lives together, couples must confront issues associated with bringing their home and work lives together. DeAngelis provides a list of helpful recommendations from early-career experts on how to deal with the complexities of this topic.33. Mother (and Father), Can You Spare a Dime?, Dan Kadlec, Money, January 2009Economic changes are taking place that put middle-aged parents in a bind. Should they lend money to their adult children? This article addresses issues related to lending to one’s adult children and ways in which parents can avoid problems if they do lend.34. Rise of the Desperate House Husband, Gaby Hinsliff, New Statesman, December 21, 2009–January 3, 2010Increasingly, changes in the economy have resulted in a reversal of roles for some couples, in which the husband becomes the primary caregiver while the wife is the family breadwinner. Yet, these changes, which mirror those that occurred during the Great Depression, may not be permanent.35. Trust and Betrayal in the Golden Years, Kyle G. Brown, The Globe and Mail, January 27, 2007Kyle Brown points out the problems confronted by many older persons when they turn over the control of their finances and property to their children. Exploitation and abuse of elders by their children has become more widespread than ever imagined. Moreover, there are numerous and often insurmountable difficulties confronted by older persons attempting to resolve these problems.Part E. Illness and Caregiving in the Family36. Dealing Day-to-Day with Diabetes: A Whole Family Experience, Karen Giles-Smith, Today’s Dietitian, November 2007Chronic illnesses like diabetes are a "never-ending" story with which families must learn to cope. Parents may have more difficulty with the necessary changes that must be made, but families can successfully adjust and thrive in the face of ongoing care.37. The Positives of Caregiving: Mothers’ Experiences Caregiving for a Child with Autism, Michael K. Corman, Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, Vol. 90, No. 4, 2009Although much research on autism focuses on stress and coping, the study reported in this article addresses resilience exhibited by mothers providing care to an autistic child. Mothers identify experiences that are appraised in a positive, even joyous, light. Practical implications are included.Part F. Death and the Family38. Bereavement after Caregiving, Richard Schulz, Randy Herbert, and Kathrin Boerner, Geriatrics, January 2008Approximately 20 percent of bereaved caregivers will experience a number of psychiatric symptoms. The authors identify prebereavement risk factors and preventive strategies as well as diagnostic and treatment strategies that can be implemented post-loss.39. Love, Loss–and Love, Karen Springen, Newsweek, December 3, 2007The death of a child is one of the most painful losses, possibly the most painful, that can occur to an adult. Life is never "normal" again–or at least the normal that parents knew before. Parents struggle with the reality of their loss, dealing with a myriad of emotions and questioning whether they should try again. Yet, it is possible for parents to reconcile themselves to their loss and to, again, welcome a child into their lives.40. A Family Undertaking, Holly Stevens, Christian Century, October 6, 2009Home funerals, a common occurrence in the long past, provide families with one last opportunity to provide care to a loved one. Providing an opportunity for families to be creative in how they honor their loved one; family members often describe these as healing.Part G. War, the Stress of Separation41. Stressors Afflicting Families during Military Deployment, Gina M. Di Nola, Military Medicine, May 2008, Vol. 173, Issue 5This article discusses factors that affect U.S. military families during the time that a parent is deployed. The experience is highly stressful for families, and Family Readiness Groups (FRG), which provide a variety of services to the families, are described.42. Children of the Wars, Lawrence Hardy, American School Board Journal, January 2008When parents are on active duty, children face tremendous stress and potentially overwhelming fear. Will their parent come back? With repeated deployments, children re-experience these fears. Adults can and should provide comfort and support for them, and this article describes ways in which this can be done.Part H. Divorce and Remarriage43. A Divided House, Mark Teich, Psychology Today, May/June 2007An unfortunate and painful result of a divorce may be one parent attempting (and sometimes succeeding) to turn the children against the other parent. This article depicts the effects of this alienation of a child’s affection and presents ways in which parents might try to repair the break.44. Civil Wars, Christopher Munsey, Monitor on Psychology, November 2007The divorce, itself, isn’t necessarily the problem for children whose parents divorce. This article describes how psychologists, working as parenting coordinators, help parents to work through the details of their divorce while also managing their emotions, which makes the experience easier for the children.45. Estranged Spouses Increasingly Waiting out Downturn to Divorce, Donna St. George, Washington Post, Monday, March 22, 2010Divorce is often difficult, and the current economy makes it doubly so. Estranged couples now find themselves trapped in houses they are unable to sell, protecting their financial interests as they attempt to co-exist with their estranged, even ex-spouse.UNIT 5: Families, Now and into the FutureUnit Overview46. Get a Closer Look, Ira Wolfman, Writing, November/December 2005Family interviews can add to one’s understanding of family members and can be fun and informative, but they take some preparation and planning. This article describes how one might go about doing such an interview.47. The Joy of Rituals, Dawn Marie Barhyte, Vibrant Life, November/December 2006Families are strengthened through rituals and this article presents a variety of strategies for strengthening families through rituals.48. Sustaining Resilient Families for Children in Primary Grades, Janice Patterson and Lynn Kirkland, Childhood Education, Fall 2007Resilient families share certain characteristics. This article catalogues characteristics of resilient families; makes suggestions for ways of strengthening families; and discusses the importance of family traditions and routines, the value of children’s literature for family communication, and the role of community in the family.49. Where Is Marriage Going?, Anthony Layng, USA Today, January 2009Expectations about "traditional" marriage are tied to a surprisingly recent, and culturally specific, version of marriage. This article discusses the evolution of marriage and suggests that marriage will continue to change and adapt to the demands of current society.

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